Friday, September 18, 2009

Killing time ( then wondering where it went..)

It's been a while since the last post because I've been distracted. I've done little things to the truck, sanded and painted the light bar, fender spacers and other things, but I've been looking for a motorcycle.

1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. I'm convinced this is a reference to our growth and understanding in our spiritual life and relationship with God, and not about my wanting a motorcycle from my youth!

I read once that people subconsciously wear their hair in a way that reminds them of their youth or "glory days". I'm not sure I believe that, I never remember having a bald head with a comb-over in my past, but I digress. I've had lots of motorcycles in my life starting in my early teens. I wanted one when I was younger, but dad was wise enough to postpone that for a few years. He bought us the usual mini-bikes, go carts and three-wheelers but eventually we went to pick up my first motorcycle. My dad was kind, patient, easy going and as wise a person as you will ever meet. He bought lots of toys to delay buying me a motorcycle, then he buys me a wickedly fast street bike. What was he thinking!?! It was the first of many bikes I'd own.

My friends assumed I was looking for a big Harley Davidson or Honda when I mentioned getting a bike. What I was looking for was a dual sport Honda from the 1970's or early 80's. The Honda XL street/trail bikes were durable and fun to ride. I owned several different ones back in the day, and that's what I wanted now. I've spent hours on line looking at ads and even posted in the wanted section. I've found them in every condition from fully restored to being offered boxes of parts that included the guarantee: "it's all there". I finally found one in the condition I was looking for at the price I was willing to pay. Yesterday my son and I drove 300 miles to a farm in Kentucky and brought home a piece of my youth.

Mark 10:15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not recieve the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.

Today I feel like a child again, I just hope this is not my mode of transportation to the Kingdom....

Friday, September 4, 2009

1927 Model T Ford Truck Bed and singing...

This bed off my Model A is actually from a 1926 or 1927 Model T. I had to Google the Johnny Cash song about the guy taking the pieces from work to build himself a Cadillac. It's called "one piece at a time" and the song says it took several years and he now owns a '56, '57, 58'... caddy. Obviously his grandfather worked at Ford and I bought his '26, '27, '28, '29, '30 pickup! I thought that was cute but the reality is that the parts for many of the model years were used for the next model. The doors and latches on the 1928 and '29 truck are the same as the 1927 Model T.

I've removed the old wood from the bed and will salvage as much of the metal as possible. There are several places you can buy complete beds or the individual pieces. The cheapest I have found is I haven't ordered any parts from them but their prices for a complete bed is less than half of other sources. The front panel of the 1926 bed was indented for the battery. It has been poorly patched on this bed and I'll either order a new front panel or fabricate one myself. When finished you'll never know I'm driving a "Johnny Cash" truck.

My neighbor had an oak tree removed from his yard and cut into boards. He was kind enough to give me plenty of lumber to rebuild the bottom of the bed. It has been cut for several years so once planed and sanded it should look great. There are lots of places to get the patterns and new hardware so I'm excited about getting all this "converted" into a Model A bed.

I like writing about my truck and sharing what little I know about the Model A Ford. I don't profess to know much and unlike a lot of folks, I don't claim to be an expert. It says in Ecclesiastes 7:5 It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of a fool. So read your bible, double check my facts and if you want to sing along with this fool it goes: " It's a 1927, 1928, 1929...."