Friday, August 28, 2009

Model A Ford Wiring and lights...

The truck's wiring harness was lying on the frame in a greasy mess before I removed it. The heart of the lighting harness fits inside the silver acorn shaped housing in the picture. After cutting it loose and cleaning the housing, I'm now trying to determine how I want to proceed.

There are two main segments to the wiring on a Model A, the ignition and the lighting. I've left the ignition side connected so I can still drive the truck, albeit without lights. The lights and horn are controlled via a rod through the steering column. The acorn housing attaches to the bottom of the column and contains the switch contacts. The actual running or ignition side is basically the key switch, starter, generator, battery and coil. This consists of a few feet of wire compared to the massive amounts in modern computer controlled cars. Since I only hold an honorary degree in shade tree mechanics, I'm a big fan of simple.

I've decided this truck is like a lot of us are at times. We run but have no light, nothing to guide our way. All day I've debated whether to try and build the wiring harness myself, wait and fix it later or do what I know is needed and order the complete kit. The Apostle John said in John 11:10 but if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him. I guess that ends the debate.

I'll order the complete kit. I want to run and let my light shine....

1 comment:

  1. Jack - this is a very nice blog. Nice layout and content.
